
  the duomo in Milan was beautiful and my favorite Duomo out of the whole trip. The gothic look of it made it very visually pleasing and the view was amazing. The stairs was a lot and I’m surprised i did not pass out while walking up the stairs. Next time I go i’m going to train by walking up stairs.  



  I took a picture of this plate at a restaurant because it shows the art of Bologna. The city is old but feels new. The colors on the buildings are very neutral and very color coded. Even in the restaurants it feels like they are color coded too.


Firenze #1

Being Rome was a hectic mess and I had a love hate relationship with in the city, but being in Florence made my eyes sparkle. The people in Florence are so nice and try to help you with speaking italian if you are trying. I was ordering a panini and I was struggling, I started out with Io posso ho une panini and i didn’t know how to finish and the waiter helped me. ever since he was polite and helping i’ve been going to different places ordering things in italian and the people in the stores have been giving me discounts on items just from ordering food in italian. Florence does have a lot and I mean a lot of fake gelato places and tourists fall for it. Especially at chained restaurants never get gelato there 10 times out of 10 it is fake. I mean the fake gelato is better than ice cream in america but it is definitely not better than the verdo gelato. Another funny story i have experienced in Florence is when citizens on the street sell you things and it seems like they can speak a lot of languages, so whatever you throw at them they can speak a little bit. I think from here on out I’m going to sign to them because they will come up to you when you are minding your business enjoying gelato and sell you something. All in all it has been a fun few days in Florence seeing a lot of the most famous statues in the world like David. I thought it was a medium size statue not really big but when I walked in and actually saw it in full scale I coud not beieve my eyes it was huge. A lot of the paintings J thought were miniscule are very huge in size. Pictures really don’t give the paintings justice. Pictures in books seem like crap compared to the real thing.


Blog post #1

Ever since I took Italian in high school I knew I wanted to come see Italy. Now that I am here I’m thinking America sucks. Italy has so much culture and old buildings back in from the 1300s while America just has buildings. The romans took so much time with their buildings it makes sense that a lot of the buildings stayed until today.  I have had a lot of memories just being in Rome. I feel like whenever I walk by every Italian, French, etc. is just calling us dumb Americans because we don’t know what we are doing or where we are going. Then I think if they came to America would they know what they are supposed to be doing. I loved going to Sapienza because I really wanted to study abroad there. It was eye opening to learn that when it is exam time they don’t have to take it right away, they can take it in two years. It is also interesting because they can’t fail a course either, they just have to retake the exam for a higher grade. The food here has been excellent every place I went to I have been satisfied. I have not tried any pasta yet because the pizza is so good I just want more every time dinner comes. I’ve never encountered, unless being in a big city the hosts standing outside and luring people in to come eat. It is sort of a good tactic by being a flirt but also really annoying and it drains because it’s the same thing. That is my short experience from being in Rome.
