Milan 🇮🇹

As the saying goes, “parting is such sweet sorrow”. Knowing that Milan would be our final city before leaving Italy made it all the more special to visit. While I would have been content to spend our final day in any of the places we visited, I feel that Milan was the perfect way to say “arrivederci” to this beautiful country that has so graciously hosted us for the past two weeks. Saying goodbye to Italy from Milan was a good way, in my opinion, to reintegrate myself back into a more American culture. While I have no doubt that all the citizens in Milan are at more cultured and fashionable than myself, I also know that this city, compared to the others we have been to, is in many ways close to life in an American city. One aspect of Italy that I doubt I will find in America would be the domes. Having previously climbed the Florence duomo, I knew what to expect beforehand, which helped me to deal with my claustrophobia while ascending the stairwells. Since I was spending less time concerned over the lack of space, I was able to spend more time enjoying the views from the top of the Milan duomo. There is no greater way to view a city that from one of its highest points. Lookin our over the view of Milan, I was able to fully reflect on my time in Italy. While I am excited to be returning home today, I will certainly miss all the beauty, history, and knowledge that I have been fortunate enough to find here.


Beautiful Bologna

For the entirety of this trip, I feel as though we have been hearing about the beauty and influence of Bologna. Despite the fact that we have not been in Italy long, I feel as though I have been waiting to arrive in Bologna for an eternity. That being said, I had high hopes and expectations for what I would find upon our arrival. I was not disappointed. Our first night, several of us decided to find some traditional Bolognese dishes. This task proved easier than we had originally anticipated, as many of the restaurants surrounding our hotel provided a sense of classic Bologna regardless of how modern they may have appeared. On today’s adventures, we had the opportunity to visit the Two Towers of Bologna as well as certain spaces within the University of Bologna. These historic sites were honestly breathtaking, surrounded in a rich sense of culture that I have yet to observe anywhere else. By observing these sites, I know that my own knowledge and outlook on life has been altered for the better. I hope to carry the feeling I found when first looking at these sites with me for a very long time to come. After having the chance to observe Bologna and it’s culture, I understand how it was such an influential city for the development of Italy. With all the value this city has to offer, I am not sure how one would come to Italy without stoping to visit the beautiful Bologna.



Traveling is, among other things, about expanding your knowledge and abilities. When venturing to a new city, one quick way to accomplish these goals is by attempting to get lost in the city of your choosing, and thus hopefully being able to fully immerse yourself in the culture surrounding you. These were the goals I had set for myself before departing for Venice, but my experience was not what I had anticipated it to be. Upon our arrival, we quickly found our hostel and were able to check in with ease. Following this, Patrick, Becca, and I decided to grab lunch while we waited for Trayvon to meet up with us. Once he had, we went beyond the view of our hostel and boarded a water bus, which transported us around the island as we attempted to venture further and further from our quickly expanding comfort zones. Yet, try as we might, we were unable to become totally lost in Venetian culture. It seemed that no matter where we turned, we knew the way back to where we had started. In a way, I feel that our prior experiences in Italy had prepared us for the possibility that we may become lost in a strange city on our own, and gave us the chance to thrive in this type of environment. As we continue our travels, I hope to be able to continue growing both my knowledge of Dante as well as my knowledge of Italy. It is also my sincere hope that all of those who chose to open themselves to travel have both the opportunity and courage to do so.


Talking Tortelloni

As someone who has traveled abroad before, I was anticipating that there would be a language gap. However, I had not considered the possibility that I would find myself in a situation where I would need to actively respond to instructions given in Italian. This exact situation presented itself this morning, when Tabitha and I had the opportunity to work with the pasta chef, Ileana. Before leaving, Chef Marcello had warned us that Ileana did not speak English, but that we would be able to understand her despite this fact. Slightly nervous but anxious to learn, we began by watching her make the pasta, and then she showed us how to do it ourselves. Part way through, she was trying to communicate the word “eggs” to us, but we were unable to understand. Rather than becoming frustrated with us, she pulled out her phone a pulled up a picture of eggs. Later on, when Brenna posed a more extensive question, Ileana resolved the language gap by calling her husband and having him translate. She indicated that she had called her husband by pointing to her ring finger on her left hand. Overall, she was just exceptionally understanding about the language gap between all of us and in no way seemed to be upset that we had not extensively learned Italian before coming on this trip. While this enhanced my cooking experience, it has also expanded my views on language barriers. When we return to the States, I know that I will be more patient and kind to those who are fluent in languages other than English and try my best to come up with creative solutions to close that gap.
