Duomo in Milano

I had the opportunity to climb the cathedral in Milan. While t was a lot of steps, it wasn’t nearly as many steps at the tower in Bologna, but it was enough to make me tired. There were two levels I had access to and I went through both, but I wasn’t as impressed as I was with the tower in Bologna, maybe because I was higher up the day before and could see a larger portion of a city. It was still beautiful and everything, but it didn’t feel unique. I thought going to the top of the cathedral was going to make me question life, but it didn’t. What did though is the inside of the cathedral. I had to wait like 20 minutes to go in, but it was just absolutely astounding. The place was huge, a lot bigger than the outside makes it look, and then I started to realize that a large majority of this place was carved by hand with no power tools. There were spots to donate some money and then grab a candle in light it, which I did. I was nervous because I didn’t want to drop the candle on the floor and possibly start a fire, but I managed. If I am ever in Milan again, I will go back to the top of the cathedral, but inside the cathedral is where I will be more excited to go. Something I learned when leaving the cathedral is the Statue of Liberty in the United States was inspired by one of the statues found on the wall of the cathedral.
