Let us go then, you and I…



My day trip to Venice was a spur of the moment decision back in Slippery Rock about a week before the trip. There was one room left that was not yet claimed, and Dr. Permenter announced its availability during the final meeting before the trip. Brenna and I both looked at one another and knew that the last room was meant for us. We had been back and forth about the decision for a while, originally planning for a day trip to Venice. But we realized that we needed to commit to the overnight experience to completely enjoy the city. So we decided to go.

And I’m so glad that we did.

When we first arrived in Venice it was a cold and rainy day. Our hotel was on the other side of the river from the train station, and the water bus ride was brisk and windy. Overall, it was a rocky start to the day trip and we weren’t sure what we were getting ourselves into. Although despite all of this, we also realized that this trip is the trip of a lifetime and we were determined to make Venice an amazing time even in the rain.
After checking in our hotel, we headed out into the cold, dreariness to explore for the evening. It rained off and on, but we were able to see a lot of different sites.
Saint Mark’s basilica was a beautiful church that I enjoyed seeing. The architecture was gothic and intricately breathtaking. Walking into the church, the overall design and layout was impressive. The entire floor was made from 2 inch mosaic tiles that create amazingly precise designs. The alter was massive and had gothic ornamentation that created a dark, yet airy feel to the church. The windows were set up high at the top of the church, drawing the eye upward and bringing lightness to the darkness of the architecture. The ceiling was also gold filigree which created a regal other-worldly lightness that made the viewer want to gaze up forever. There were rich hues of red, green, blue, and black with touches of gold throughout the basilica. The chandeliers and sconces were impressive with gold and black accents and red glass that was illuminated by candlelight. The church was beautiful and well worth the wait. It is amazing how these relics of the past are still preserved in Venice and continue to live on.
The highlight of my trip was when I took my first gondola ride the morning that were getting ready to head back to Florence. We woke up and the weather had completely turned around. It was beautiful, sunny, and a wonderful morning for a gondola ride. Brenna and I decided to go together, and we had an amazing time.
I had a very moving moment during the tour and it was the time that I felt most connected with Italy. Venice is already such a magical place, but being there on a quiet morning floating around the city in a gondola topped everything. I really got in touch with myself and appreciated my time in this wonderful place. During the ride, there was an Italian man standing above us on one of the foot bridges, and as we were floating underneath the bridge he said something profound that really resonated with me. He simply said in broken English: “Life is short,
huh?” He was of course referring to us being in a gondola and enjoying ourselves, as his wife was taking pictures of us–documenting a complete stranger’s happiness. Everything at once seemed to hit me and that was the one moment that everything fell into place for me. Nothing is perfect, and traveling certainly has its metaphorical road bumps. Although everything works out in the end and is completely worth it. It was in that moment that I realized how special this opportunity was, and I am so thankful that I took a chance and stepped outside my comfort zone.
I might have left my heart in Florence, but my soul is in Venice.
