Picturing Poppi


Poppi offered something that I did not expect what so ever. Visiting this ancient wonder is more worthwhile than any cruise or island vacation could ever be. The Tuscan hills are a sight that no words can ever accurately convey.

When I think of Poppi, two words come to mind. One of those words is ancient. When you look out from the giant hill (mountain) Poppi is located on you can literially imagine battles taking place before you. Battles such as the Battle of Campaldino. You can picture Dante’s determined form riding swiftly towards the Castle of Poppi.

The second word I think of when I picture Poppi is green. Between the lucious greens of the grass and trees, and the beautiful flowers, everyone’s allergies, including mine, skyrocketed. It was wonderful. Every angle of Poppi looked like it belonged in a catalog full of potential vacation destinations. Poppi shares aspects with the Barney Stinson phenomenon. It is literally impossible to get a bad picture of the beautiful Poppi. 

Even the people of Poppi were almost fairytale like. All of them were kind and extremely kind. They helped us, who were obvious outcasts feel at home even though most of Poppi’s inhabitants barely speak English, if at all.

In the future I hope to visit Poppi again. It is a beautiful and magical place that is often over looked. Honestly,  Poppi is a good place to get inspired. I bet I could crank out a book evey six months just with the view alone.
