That’s All a Bunch of Bologna!

The city of Bologna was a very interesting place. When navigating the streets you see a bunch of modern influences like graffiti or high end shops showcasing their newest merchandise. But when you turn the corner, seemingly out of nowhere a medieval tower that belonged to a high ranking noble rises into view. You can climb all 498 steps of these historic monumental tower to the top where you can see the modern day city at its finest. If history isn’t the subject for you, there’s also the influence of science and literature available to satisfy your educational needs. Bologna’s university is the oldest of the western world, and is where the reanimation of corpses with electricity first took place. Science enthusiasts: you are sated. This also inspired one of the most famous classic literary works, Frankenstein. English enthusiasts: you’re covered. Add the beautiful frescos throughout the university’s halls, and the art enthusiasts need not complain. If you still aren’t interested, might I suggest visiting their library to see the thousands of books available on display. If none of this sounds interesting to you, then you must hate fun. After seeing many of the historic sights available to the public, you can fulfill all of your excessive spending needs by shopping at the high end retailers along the surrounding piazzas. Bologna truly is a mixture of old and new, and the resulting culture is unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Bologna is truly a sight that people of varying interests can appreciate for the unique sights it has to offer its visitors. 
