“When you get lost, you find yourself.” One of the most common themes woven through romantic and Renaissance literature. Visiting Venice allowed myself to embrace that theme with my sister. Venice is a city full of canals that break the sinking land, and 483 bridges that the cartographer forgot to label. Which creates a complicated labyrinth on the Mediterranean boot. So when my sister and I asked for directions and the response was “cross the bridge and make a left like this *dramatic hand motion only native Italians would understand*” we took advantage of the the romantic phrase.

The first time we were lost, we ended up in San Marco’s Plaza. The massive church resembled the Sultan’s castle from Disney’s Aladdin. The white marble glittered from imagethe Adriatic Sea only a few meters away. The domes shape mimics the point of Hershey kisses, but instead of an assortment of chocolate, sweet mosaics of Christ resurrecting fills the empty shapes.
Making our way around the church, a line of striped shirts line the shore full of tourists, over priced restaurants, and selfie sticks. My sister and I avoided all of those things due to our fixation on finding “real” gelato. We never found “real” gelato in Venice. Instead, we found a unique church in one of the world’s most beautiful cities, Venice.
