Venice: The Labyrinth

When I used to think of Venice, I would imagine gondolas gliding down the canal with gondoliers singing and standing on the back. I have always thought of it as the place that people fall in love and take romantic boat rides together. When I arrived, I realized that it is so much more than that. Venice is decorated with colorful buildings, artistic bridges, and blooming flowers everywhere you look. It is a quaint island with history and character. It is almost as though the streets have a personality, because you can walk along them and truly get lost and forget about reality. When you stroll through the mazes of buildings, you have no choice but to appreciate the beauty of architecture and humanity. You are constantly surrounded by tall structures that can put you in a tranquil state of mind. It is clear that the Venetians put effort into the exterior design and appearance of their apartment or home. All the colors of the walls on the buildings, clothes hanging from string, and flowers in window boxes coordinate with each other. When you walk deeper into the calmer parts of the city, you can see people walking by, taking their time. There does not seem to be any type of hurry for the locals. When you enter the busier parts of the city, you can find unique shops that have homemade crafts or food. You can even see some stray dogs prancing down the cobblestone streets. It is shocking that an island held up by wooden posts could have so many shops, buildings, and churches. One of the churches I got to see was St. Mark’s Basilica, and the art on the outside of the church is jaw-dropping. It reminded me of a castle that had paintings and statues all over it.
