Milano Italiano

First off, I am actually shocked at Milano. Before hearing about it, I figured it was just some mediocre city in Italy. Boy was I wrong… Hell, I think I seen more Porsches there than I did in my whole life. The fashion was a world of its own too. The standard Italian blazer was replaced with some supreme flamboyant jacket that even Mick Jagger could not rock. Even though the city was extremely fashionable, I tried my best to have some “swag”. Which ended up with me looking like a knock off Arnold Palmer.      What shocked me the most was stepping off the train. I was amazed at the architect by far. It was hard to imagine the people of Milan building all of these monolithic structures after World War II. Especially with such elegance and beauty. Even the military guards at the airport had a great sense of fashion. I wish I got a picture of one of them but I did not want to get taken in the backroom. That would not have been good… Especially because I am a fragile being, especially against some that is trained to kill.      Besides all of the fashion I was amazed by the duomo. That beast is huge! Both inside and outside just shines with beauty. On top of it you can just fall in a deep stare with a great view of the cathedral and city. Inside the belly, you will be blinded with beautiful stained glass. The stain glass cannot even be put to words, it was a different twist to the cathedral. Since at least from my understanding, most of Italy’s monuments are absent from stain glass.      Lastly, LUINIs, that place is a taste of heaven. It reminded me of what a hot pocket should be. Sweat or salty, I gorged into it all. I do not know how they make such sweet treat, especially at such a reasonable price. Hopefully heaven has a Luini’s. If not I will be disappointed.


Lunch Meat

First thing that came to my mind when I heard that we were going to Bologna was obviously the shitty lunch meat found in every family’s fridge. I wasn’t surprised however that this city is no where near comparison to some shitty lunch meat. It’s a rich city full of unique spunk that makes it unique. In the park, I was amazed by the bastardized kids harassing the pigeons and people. They mocked beggars and caused disturbance to the pigeon population. I was a bit pissed off, but what was I to do? The only thing that truly matters was that gelato. I cannot recall the name but my god. Literally the banana was not dyed yellow, which honestly amazed me.            At the University of Bologna I was fascinated to a point. I was a bit surprised that we had to buy a ticket but eh, I would probably charge people if I could make some money. The place where Mary Shelley got her inspiration was inspiring. I could just imagine the clicking in the brain she felt while watching a little frog come back to life in a sense. I love that feeling, when something just clicks.       Later on my group and I went up into Bologna’s tower. In which it was a long long journey up to the top but worth it. Looking down at the roof tops shed beauty into my eyes. I could just imagine these towers towering over the city. It’s just something different, something that you could never do in the states. Especially because of all the damn security measures.      Overall Bologna had a special feel to it. Bologna is not some big thing like Roma but it is still a charming city. Full of lovely people and great gelato. Beside those bastard kids…


David’s Legs

When scholars discuss about “A city upon a hill”, I do not think they have ever been to Poppi. This small little community is a breath of fresh air from the cities that most travelers associate Italy with. This majestic land is cradled around mountains and beautiful Tuscany hills that light up an explorers eyes. Besides the view, this small little place calls for a great leg day work out. I promise you that you will have the legs of David just after a few days.       Hiking and wondering around the Tuscan hills may make your feet blister but just imagine. Dante and the other greats once roamed this lushes Earth. It might just be me but I think it’s a wonderful thought. Plus everyone in Poppi seems like they are genuinely happy, unlike 3/4 of America’s population. I cannot even imagine a purely happy America, especially if Trump gets in. Maybe he will make it great. Oh well.       Amazing enough was during Romena’s castle in the middle of No where. I could just imagine some squire guy posted there watching over the other castles. I also could just imagine Dante writing about his Inferno while looking at the 3rd tower, where the prisoners stayed. I Could not imagine seeing the hellish terror coming from that hell hole. Birds pecking away at the inmates. Dante’s BFF making fake coins for a bastard. That must of been a lot for Dante to take in. Luckily he exposed the man in the Inferno.        Overall Poppi is a small place on the Boot but it’s still just as important and awesome. It may not be as big as Florence, but it’s still beautiful. Plus it’s only a short drive away. 



Pompeii, that place where that big scary volcano erupted and killed a lot of people. That’s a very brief and generic definition but Pompeii holds a greater meaning. It’s a society that was wiped out in 79 AD, left to in preservation in volcanic ash. Markets, palaces, family homes were discovered and in a well preserved state. In the 18th century this city was first excavated. Amazing enough, archeologist are still digging up the city as I write this blog post. Crazy enough it’s nearly impossible to see the whole city in one day. Your calves would burst and not to mention you would probably roll both ankles. Reason I say this is because Pompeii is a WHOPPING 170 ACRES… I think leg day just took on a whole new meaning.     Besides being a civilization surrounded in mystery, Pompeii has some unique elements under it’s belt. One in particular deals with the brothels in Pompeii. On the streets you may notice some Male penises carved in stone on the roads. These symbols literally guided illiterate sailors and travelers visiting to the brothels. In the brothels people could purchase what kind of sexual interaction through a stone slab called the “menu”. Literally a slab with sex positions painted on it.      Another interesting architecture design can be seen on all intersections. Big stone slabs were used in Pompeii as cross rocks. Reason being, when Pompeii would flood they did not have a draining system. Looking down at the roads you may notice a fine smooth line in the stone. This is actually from chariots rubbing against the stone. The road itself is just history breathing. The same road where ancient people walked around and rolled their ankles. Horses were also prone to breaking legs from the streak. Just imagine that. Lastly, all roads lead back to paradise, oddly enough is another name for Pompeii.


Body Count

    Mornings in Florence are much different than let’s say a place like Slippery Rock. In Florence, the first thing you wake up to is the bells of Giotto ringing through your ears, mimicking the pulse of deep heart beats. Your nose breaths in the city’s life filled with fresh baked pastries and hot creamy cappuccino. That alarm clock of yours is useless, let the city take you in like a little orphan. It may seem that this rich city is a bit hectic, but get lost in all of its beauty. Since getting lost is the first step in searching for yourself. It is impossible to go search for yourself while sitting in your apartment. I mean, it’s clear that you know where you are at. So let loose and live a little.    Exploring takes a wondering eye, like the great navigators that stumbled upon the Americas. For my free day in Florence my group and I were planning on going to go to the Boboli Gardens. This plan shifted, since we were even trying to save the lint in our pockets. Like Moses and his followers we walked a bit aimlessly then stumbled upon the Museo Zoologico La Specula. Our thriftiness was pleased with only having to forkout 6 hard earned dollars.       Odder than the museum itself, the place was practically empty. Hundreds of piercing eyes stared straight at you. From reptilian species to a vast number of flying creatures, these eyes were piercing. They lay captured, trapped, embarked around a dirty glass window. I for one found it amazing and could just imagined a smoking rusty musket ball penetrating the beating heart of a gazelle in the heart of Africa. Only for the little guy to be skinned alive, stuffed and placed in some rich Guy’s house until it was donated some time later. Your imagination of animals running through your dreams can easily have been hunted down and slaughtered just to be studied and framed. It amazes me. Maybe I’m just over thinking it?      Even though the zoology section of the museum is quite fascinating, the human wax figure collection easily had the ability to shock you. I felt like I was walking around to check out the band Tool’s next music video. The wax did not even look fake. The flesh resembled human and I was shocked by the fact that the wax was not extremely decaying. Overall Florence took me on a ride, on a little motor scooter into paradise. 


Death by Fast Food

It is not your average day when you can go visit the final resting place for over a half million people then eat a cheap American burger across the Atlantic. After being let loose at the Vatican my group and I managed to scurry our way through the city. Before visiting the catacombs we stopped at a comic shop and a mini market. At the market we found this exotic condiment called “McDonald’s ketchup”… I ended up buying a bottle of Coke, just to see if all the chemicals banned in Europe make any difference. I was not surprised when the soda did not erode my enamel. After our various stops and escapades with the metro we finally managed to get to the catacombs. During the tour we got to explore tombs that were abandoned for over a millennium. 90% of these graves were also looted during its abandonment. The sense of pure silence could be felt, something indescribable. After the tour, my group and I went to get some gelato at Romana. The only words I can use to describe it is beautiful and perfect. After finishing our glorious gelato, I convinced my group to enter the sacred Burger King. Literally, the burger did not make me feel bad about myself after consumption and it did not taste like a rubber frisbee. Hell, it was actually good. The Italians probably still see American food as a disgrace though, I mean I would. Our next stop was actually next store from Burger King. This is where we ate our dinner at. I can’t remember the name, it was simply your basic Italian pizzeria. Strangely though, they had tons of Nutella stacked like art in shelves. Shamefully I did not take a picture of this Da Vinci. People in America would drool to even see a picture of a Nutella art. I will get back to the actual food though, the pizza. What was a bit different was that your meal was weighed on a scale instead of by the slice. The pizza sure did weigh me down a bit. I will stop with the cheesy puns now. All in all, a day in Rome calls for adventure by getting entwined into a world far different from the place across the ocean blue.    
