Milano Italiano

First off, I am actually shocked at Milano. Before hearing about it, I figured it was just some mediocre city in Italy. Boy was I wrong… Hell, I think I seen more Porsches there than I did in my whole life. The fashion was a world of its own too. The standard Italian blazer was replaced with some supreme flamboyant jacket that even Mick Jagger could not rock. Even though the city was extremely fashionable, I tried my best to have some “swag”. Which ended up with me looking like a knock off Arnold Palmer.
     What shocked me the most was stepping off the train. I was amazed at the architect by far. It was hard to imagine the people of Milan building all of these monolithic structures after World War II. Especially with such elegance and beauty. Even the military guards at the airport had a great sense of fashion. I wish I got a picture of one of them but I did not want to get taken in the backroom. That would not have been good… Especially because I am a fragile being, especially against some that is trained to kill.

     Besides all of the fashion I was amazed by the duomo. That beast is huge! Both inside and outside just shines with beauty. On top of it you can just fall in a deep stare with a great view of the cathedral and city. Inside the belly, you will be blinded with beautiful stained glass. The stain glass cannot even be put to words, it was a different twist to the cathedral. Since at least from my understanding, most of Italy’s monuments are absent from stain glass.

     Lastly, LUINIs, that place is a taste of heaven. It reminded me of what a hot pocket should be. Sweat or salty, I gorged into it all. I do not know how they make such sweet treat, especially at such a reasonable price. Hopefully heaven has a Luini’s. If not I will be disappointed.
